Hassan - Blog 2 - Playtest 1


What's the point of pokemon if you can't battle with them. We have the most the framework done for the battling system in the game. We just have to seamlessly implement the UI into the level. Also, right now there is no team system, so battles are only 1v1, but that should be an easy addition with the way battling has been implemented.

Grid based Movement

We implemented a simple 2d movement system to test out the level at the beginning. However, the movement doesn't really fit the style we were going for and could definitely be revamped. Right now, we're thinking of doing some sort of grid based movement system like how classical pokemon does. 


We got a lot of questions concerning the size of the level; i.e. it's too short. Our plan right now is to focus on the core gameplay, which means that we need a strong tutorial zone. We do have plans to make the level larger, however, at least until the next playtest, the starting zone will stay the same size.


We had some complaints about the collisions of the buildings being not the right size--the player would collide with the roof, which doesn't make sense. It's an easy thing to fix, however, it just takes a bit of time. For now, we plan to keep it as it is, but we'll fix that issue during the polishing phase. 

Get Scuffedemon

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